Project Experience » Sanitary Sewer

Middletown Recapture Project, MSD, Louisville, KY

Project scope involved in eliminating existing pump stations, waste water treatment plants and connecting the proposed sewers to sewers that are being designed by private developers. Gravity sewers were designed as per MSD, Louisville, Kentucky standards and specifications.

Chenoweth Run Interceptor Section 1 and Section 2 projects were designed as part of the scope of services. Coordination with Vacuum Excavation company and property owner coordination was also performed. Field review meetings with the client was performed to make sure that the client understands the proposed impacts to the various property owners property. Horizontal alignment of the proposed sewer was tweaked several times to keep the property owners satisfied with the project. Several field meetings were conducted with property owners along the project length and horizontal alignment was staked to help property owners visualize the impacts to their property during construction. Based on their input horizontal alignment was revised and finalized.